
Beautiful Tiger
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
all types of tigers.
- The Bengal tiger lives in forested areas around the Indian sub-continent. Population estimates of approximately 4,000 make it the most populous of all tiger subspecies.
- Indo-Chinese tigers live forested areas of South East Asian states such as China, Thailand and Myanmar. This species ranks as the second most populous with maybe around 2,000 living in the wild.
- Sumatran tigers live on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. They are the smallest of the tiger species and there might be around 400 living in the wild.
- Siberian or Amur tigers hold the distinction of being the biggest of the world's big cats. They live along the forests of the Amur River, a natural boundary line between Russia and China on the east coast. They are endangered, however, population estimates taken over the past decade show that 400-500 remained steady.
- South China tigers live in south-central China, and are commonly recognized as the most endangered tigers in the world. The Chinese government now gives them the same status as the Panda, and is actively pursuing a conservation program. Population estimates are difficult to establish. There may be a couple of dozen or so living in the wild and another sixty or so in zoos.
why do tigers have stripes?
No one knows why tigers have stripes, scientists think that the stripes act as camouflage,and help tigers hide from their prey while they hunt. tigers stripes are like human fingerprints;no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.Most tigers have an orange coat with dark brown or black stripes accented with white.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Appearance and Behaviours
Most tigers are orange-brown or dark yellow with dark brown, grey or black stripes. There are patches of white fur on their faces and ears. There is a white mark on the back of each ear so that from behind it looks like the tiger is watching, particularly in a shadowy forest habitat. This is a defence marking. Tigers have white fur on their stomachs. A tiger's stripes helps it to get close to prey when it is hunting. The stripes camouflage the tiger, helping it to blend into the grasses and edges of forests where it lives. Each tiger's pattern is different, like human fingerprints
did you know?
how they catch their prey.
They hunt mainly between sunset and dawn.
They stalk their prey, get as close as possible and then race at the animal from behind, pouncing on it and biting the neck or throat. When the prey is dead, the tiger drags it to a safe place and eats it. If the prey is a large animal the tiger can feed on it for a few days. Not every hunt is successful, so tigers don't eat every day. They hunt and eat many different kinds of animal such as deer, wild pigs, birds, monkeys, leopards, bears and wild cattle. Tigers eat up to 18 kilograms of meat at one time.
A Bengal tiger chasing prey
what they eat.
Depending on the other animals that live in the area that a tiger inhabits, the tiger primarily hunts for medium size animals. These include buffalo, antelope, deer, wild horses, wild boar and monkeys. Obviously these do not all exist in every location of the world that has tigers, but there are some medium size animals within each tiger habit. Deer and wild boar seem to be the favorite food for tigers.
The habitat of the tiger will determine what it chooses to eat. The Siberian tiger, for example, lives in the northern regions the far Eastern Siberia near the Korean peninsula. This species has the ability to choose moose as one of its preferred food sources. In contrast, the now extinct Caspian tiger was known to feast on camels. The Sumatran tiger has the benefit of having several species of tapir from which to choose. The tapir is similar in size to the wild boar.
Tigers are very opportunistic hunters. They can leap into the air to a height of 10 feet if required, although
The habitat of the tiger will determine what it chooses to eat. The Siberian tiger, for example, lives in the northern regions the far Eastern Siberia near the Korean peninsula. This species has the ability to choose moose as one of its preferred food sources. In contrast, the now extinct Caspian tiger was known to feast on camels. The Sumatran tiger has the benefit of having several species of tapir from which to choose. The tapir is similar in size to the wild boar.
Tigers are very opportunistic hunters. They can leap into the air to a height of 10 feet if required, although
five-foot jumps are more common. This allows them to go after some treed prey. They also have been observed fishing in lakes, and are believed to have about a 20 percent success rate in the hunt. They also, when available, will eat crabs, crocodiles and hare.
baby tigers.
Roaming through Asian forests are a small number of baby tigers and their parents. Female tigers give birth to as many as seven cubs at a time, who are totally dependent on their mothers for a week after birth until they open their eyes. Females will leave their mothers after about eight months while it takes males almost a year to leave their mothers.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tigers are an endangered species. Wild tigers in Asia -- their natural habitat -- may soon disappear. As conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, has been paraphrased: Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep the planet. Fact: Tigers keep their claws sharp for killing by pulling in their retractable claws into a protective sheath. Fact: Most tigers have more than 100 stripes, and no two tigers have identical stripes.
tigers famliy.
A tigers famliy are lions and tigers they hunt together so they get more food and they play together so they do not fight .
do all tigers have the same colour
Not all tigers have the same colour some tigers are white,onrange,grey ect.there are all diffrent couler tigers in the world.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
status and threats.
Tigers are facing extinction. The South China tiger may already be extinct. Numbers of other subspecies are very low. One major threat is that in some countries medicines made of tiger body parts are considered to be almost magical in their effect. Tigers are killed for body parts, fur and meat. Although there is an international ban on killing tigers, the illegal medicines sell for large sums of money, so poachers continue to hunt tigers. Loss of habitat is also a big threat, and there is less and less space in the wild for tigers to live. What is left of wild habitat is often small patches, like islands, which makes it hard for tigers to move about and meet each other for breeding.
life cycle of a tiger
About 103 days after mating with a male tiger the female gives birth to a litter of 2 or 3 babys, but sometimes up to 7. She looks after the babys, feeding them milk for about 8 weeks. Later she teaches them to kill. The cubs stay with their mother for up to three years.
where they live
With enough water, prey, and shade, tigers can live in humid rainforests, dark woods, or cold and snowy forests. They can also live in swamps, marshes, and tall grasslands. Even though tigers can pretty much live in any climate, there are some areas that certain tigers are known to populate.
Most tigers can be found scattered across parts of eastern Asia. For example, there are strong tiger populations in India, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and even in Russia. In India, tigers occupy most of the lower Himalayan Mountains in many of the northern states. Tigers are also found in the west, east, and southern parts of India as well.
There are eight tiger subspecies that live in various parts of the world. These subspecies include the Bengal tiger, the Amur tiger, the south Chinese tiger, the Indo-Chinese tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Javan tiger, the Balinese tiger, and the Caspian tiger. These tigers are found in south central and southeastern China, Indonesia, Manchuria, and Turkey.
In general, tigers are drawn to their habitat for two distinctive reasons: stalking and an abundance of prey.
Most tigers can be found scattered across parts of eastern Asia. For example, there are strong tiger populations in India, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, and even in Russia. In India, tigers occupy most of the lower Himalayan Mountains in many of the northern states. Tigers are also found in the west, east, and southern parts of India as well.
There are eight tiger subspecies that live in various parts of the world. These subspecies include the Bengal tiger, the Amur tiger, the south Chinese tiger, the Indo-Chinese tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Javan tiger, the Balinese tiger, and the Caspian tiger. These tigers are found in south central and southeastern China, Indonesia, Manchuria, and Turkey.
In general, tigers are drawn to their habitat for two distinctive reasons: stalking and an abundance of prey.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
how tigers catch their prey?
They hunt mainly between sunset and dawn.
They stalk their prey, get as close as possible and then race at the animal from behind, pouncing on it and biting the neck or throat. When the prey is dead, the tiger drags it to a safe place and eats it. If the prey is a large animal the tiger can feed on it for a few days. Not every hunt is successful, so tigers don't eat every day. They hunt and eat many different kinds of animal such as deer, wild pigs, birds, monkeys, leopards, bears and wild cattle. Tigers eat up to 18 kilograms of meat at one time.
A Bengal tiger chasing prey
This blog will have information about tigers. I am studying tigers because I really like them. They are really interesting animals.
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